John Banister Letter from New York
This letter is from John Banister to Patrick Henry. He explains that nothing has happened since their last correspondence. Banister also talks about troop inoculations. In the post script he also informs Laurens that General Charles Lee is there on Parole from his captivity in Philadelphia.
John Banister
10 April 1778
John F. Reed Collection Valley Forge NHP
Box 4, Folder 07, 21-08
York 10th April 1778
Nothing having occurred since I had the Honour of addressing you last a very few daies since, I have only to inform you that a warrant is made out at the Treabury to the amount of the advance you mention, & that it will be some time postponed to make way for some immense supplies of money wanted now for the Quarter Master, & Commissarys Departments, previous to a possibility of the Army, being able to act with effect. So soon as it can be obtained with propriety it surely shall and forwarded. The thousand pounds Col. Mason received he must pay on demand out of a considerable Sum lately sent him for the Troops. It is, I cannot keep again repeating, a misfortune to our affairs that the men were not sent forward, un-inoculated since numerable experiments justify a Communication of that disorder in Camp, besides saving a Train of [illeg] consequent upon the method hitherto practiced of doing it at a distance
I have the honour to be with the highest respect your Excellency Mo. Obed. & mo. Hbl Servt.
General Lee is here on Parole.
10 April 1778
Banister letter
Nothing having occurred since I had the Honour of addressing you last a very few daies since, I have only to inform you that a warrant is made out at the Treabury to the amount of the advance you mention, & that it will be some time postponed to make way for some immense supplies of money wanted now for the Quarter Master, & Commissarys Departments, previous to a possibility of the Army, being able to act with effect. So soon as it can be obtained with propriety it surely shall and forwarded. The thousand pounds Col. Mason received he must pay on demand out of a considerable Sum lately sent him for the Troops. It is, I cannot keep again repeating, a misfortune to our affairs that the men were not sent forward, un-inoculated since numerable experiments justify a Communication of that disorder in Camp, besides saving a Train of [illeg] consequent upon the method hitherto practiced of doing it at a distance
I have the honour to be with the highest respect your Excellency Mo. Obed. & mo. Hbl Servt.
General Lee is here on Parole.
10 April 1778
Banister letter