Brigadier General William Smallwood
Paroled Prisoners
Rare manuscript addressed from "Wilmington March 10th 1778" regarding the parole of a prisoner. LEtter signed, "yr very Obed. Sert WSmallwood"
Brig. General William Smallwood
10 March 1778
John F. Reed Collection Valley Forge NHP
Box 3, Folder 38, 19-04
Wilmington March 10th 1778
Dear Sir,
The Bearer Mr. Chocran has obtained Permission on his Parole, to proceed down to Dover to attend on the Tryal of his Vessel & Cargo, which were sometime ago taken by Mr. Erskine at New Castle, the particular circumstances under which she was captured you will be the best judge of from the Evidence, which will be adduced, & which must determine your conduct in the case, it will be unnecessary to add what he urges on the occasion, farther than that his Motive was to serve Mr. Aiken in removing his Family & effects, & procuring & carrying up necessaries for some Families in Distress in Philadelphia, which form the testimony. I make no doubt will harm their proper Weight if properly supported – In justice to Mr. Chocran, I must urge he has conducted himself as a Prisoner with great propriety, has discover’d much modesty, and candor in his examination, & proceedings, & has ever been regular, punctual & consistent in his conduct, under his Parole, which induced me to give him greater indulgence, & to urge what I have said above in his favor, & am with much regard of esteem
Yr very Obed Hble Serv
W. Smallwood
Letter from Genl.Wm. Smallwood March 1778
Dear Sir,
The Bearer Mr. Chocran has obtained Permission on his Parole, to proceed down to Dover to attend on the Tryal of his Vessel & Cargo, which were sometime ago taken by Mr. Erskine at New Castle, the particular circumstances under which she was captured you will be the best judge of from the Evidence, which will be adduced, & which must determine your conduct in the case, it will be unnecessary to add what he urges on the occasion, farther than that his Motive was to serve Mr. Aiken in removing his Family & effects, & procuring & carrying up necessaries for some Families in Distress in Philadelphia, which form the testimony. I make no doubt will harm their proper Weight if properly supported – In justice to Mr. Chocran, I must urge he has conducted himself as a Prisoner with great propriety, has discover’d much modesty, and candor in his examination, & proceedings, & has ever been regular, punctual & consistent in his conduct, under his Parole, which induced me to give him greater indulgence, & to urge what I have said above in his favor, & am with much regard of esteem
Yr very Obed Hble Serv
W. Smallwood
Letter from Genl.Wm. Smallwood March 1778