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A Testimony of Quaker Exile
This printed broadsheet offers testimony from Quaker Yearly meeting in Philadelphia regarding the Quakers arrest and exile to Virginia due to their questioned loyalty to the American cause. Broadsheet attests to Quakers' neutrality and peacefulness…
Tags: broadsheet, exile, Quaker
Abraham Clark Letter
When the Continental Congress reorganized the supply system they appointed Jeremiah Wadsworth as the Commissary General. This is the letter informing Wadsworth on his new position if he chooses to accept it. Wadsworth accepted in April 1778 and…
Tags: Abraham Clark, Commissary, General, Jeremiah Wadsworth, Supply
American Blunderbus
This American naval blunderbuss is a crude amalgamation of brass and iron components to assemble a working firearm. The walnut stock appears to be the remains of a one-time swivel gun, evidence by a side hole once used for supporting a “Y” yoke to…
Tags: America, Blunderbus, Firearm
American Hunting Sword (Cuttoe)
The colonial brass pommel head of this example is better defined than many. It is formed from two vertical shells joined at a median seam and secures the wooden grip which does not taper, but provides grooves for steep curving ropes of brass wire.…
Tags: America, Cuttoe, Hunting Sword, Swords
American Small Sword
Such a pattern would probably date from the 1730-1740 period in Europe. In this case, it is believed to be an American hilt. Allowing for the normal delay before new styles gained acceptance in the colonies, a 1740-1750 dating has been estimated. The…
Tags: America, Small Sword, Swords
Brig. General Lachlan McIntosh
In this one-page document addressed from "Camp Valley Forge 20th March 1778", General McIntosh writes North Carolina Governor on the conditions and privations of state forces at Valley Forge. McIntosh writes, "I am sorry I have to inform you the Men…
Tags: 1778, Brigadier General, Lachlan McIntosh, troops
Brigadier General Charles Scott to personal friend Frankey
Addressed from "White Marsh Church" this letter is addressed "Dear Frankey" and mentions General Scott's view, "we are in High spirits and full of hope of Bringing this most horrid War to a Conclusion by Defeating Genl.Howe in a few days." Personal…